"Your start to natural ways of healing"
Considering an effective yet natural treatment, in a relaxed setting, with an experienced professional who listens and gives you all the time you need before prescribing?
Concerned about over-use and side-effects of conventional medicines, unexplained aches and pains, or decreasing ability to cope with stress or change?
Looking for a tried and tested approach to health where YOU remain firmly at the centre of your treatment?
An affordable and effective treatment used by millions worldwide, homeopathy has no toxic side-effects, and can be used safely alongside conventional treatment. You are more than just another ‘case’ : you are unique and so is your experience. Homeopathy is a truly personalised way to healing. Homeopathy: a safe and natural alternative system of medicine.
You can visit me at Restore Homeopathic Clinic – located at 2633 James Street, BC, V2T 3L6, BC, Canada.
Don't wait! Call me today at 604.302.8413 for a free 15 minute conversation to see how a consultation followed by a carefully selected homeopathic remedy could radically improve your health!
My office is open 9:30AM - 6:00PM , Tuesday to Saturday in an easy-to-find location with plenty of parking and wheelchair accessibility.
The observational study done by Steve Scrutton links to research which looked at how healthy chronically ill patients were after eight years of homeopathic treatment. The study of 3,709 patients found that, with homeopathic treatment, participants “were likely to improve considerably” and that positive effects persisted for as long as eight years. Great news for those who are unwell, but why wait until chronic ill health gets you down? Homeopathy used at the beginning of illness can reduce its duration and quickly return the sufferer to health.